Help & Info

We hope that you find this website easy to use but here are some useful links if you need further information.

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered here, please contact us with your query or call us. We will try our best to help you as soon as we can. If you need an urgent response, please let us know when you get in touch.

Everyone at Grow and their consultants are committed to enabling school leaders to improve outcomes for children. They recognise and acknowledge the hard work and determination of school staff and provide challenge as critical friends who offer new suggestions.

Register your school:

To book any of our support packages, support add-ons, courses or programmes, your school must be registered with us. You can find out more about how to register your school here ›

Booking & Ordering:

The fastest way to order a support package or add-on, or book a training course or programme is via our website. You can find out more about about our booking & ordering process here ›

Terms & Conditions:

Our aim is to keep things simple and transparent whenever you order our support packages or book a training course. If you haven’t already, please read our terms and conditions here ›


You can find our policies here › If you require a hard copy at any time, please contact us and we will send it to you.

Newsletters, bulletins & guidance:

Kindly note: you may need Adobe PDF to view these files. If you are unable to access these links or require a hard copy, please contact us and we will try our best to help you. 

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