

This support add-on will provide you with a bespoke focus review of your safeguarding practices to help you further promote the safety and welfare of your pupils. It can be included as part of your existing Oak, Beech or Cedar support package, or purchased separately.

Please contact us to include this as part of your existing package* › * If you do not have sufficient time available, you can upgrade your current package instead of purchasing this add-on.

The GROW Safeguarding Review was an essential part of the school's ability to effectively self-evaluate with confidence. It gave school leaders clarity on what was working well and what needed to be worked on and gave governors confidence that judgements made by school leaders were externally validated. The review lasted a day and encompassed all areas of safeguarding. The lead from GROW brought significant experience in all areas and answered all questions around compliance and best practice. The report covered all areas reviewed during the day and enabled the school to create an action plan for how to improve safeguarding. A highly challenging day but one that was carried out in a supportive manner and gave the school crucial feedback on areas for improvement. Would recommend unreservedly.

Commissioning a rigorous external review and audit of your existing safeguarding practises and procedures is an invaluable way of ensuring that potential risks are minimised.

Only by appraising the measures currently in place can you be assured that they’re up to standard and effective, and where identified, prevent or reduce the risk of recurrence of similar incidents.

Our Safeguarding focus review offers the benefit of the rigour of an external assessment, by recognising school strengths, and making recommendations for improvement so as to secure strong practice. It is also suitable for schools who wish to commission an independent review of their practices to obtain a clearer picture of performance.

To ensure that you receive high quality feedback on your chosen aspect, external review frameworks will be agreed in partnership, and key areas that may need intervention will be assessed, identified and prioritised. Depending on the size of your school, we will agree the format, discuss your required approach and find you the best consultant(s) for your needs.

How it works:

Your review will be conducted by our consultants who are highly experienced in safeguarding processes and procedures. They will contact you to agree focus aspects and the format of the day.

On the day, you will receive verbal feedback of strengths and improvement aspects. Shortly after, you will receive a written report, which will include the identified strengths and areas for you to work on.

It is likely to take between one to two days and will consist of:

  • preparation time
  • all or most of one day in school, depending on school size and focus
  • report writing time

Where appropriate, supporting resources and opportunities to view best practice in other Grow supported schools will be shared with you too. For two or three form entry schools, there will be two days spent in school, making a total of three days.

We can also offer a 1/2 day health check where appropriate, which will provide you with ongoing verbal feedback and a brief record of visit.

We appreciate that every school has its own unique context, so to explore other options or if you have a particular requirement, please contact us here ›

The review will assess:

Scrutiny of policies & strategies

eg: child protection, safeguarding, online safety, whistleblowing

Interview of key representatives

eg: designated leads, link governors, pupils

Review of procedures

eg: Single Central Record and other administrative paperwork

Evaluation of whole school practices

eg: safer recruitment, staff induction, training programmes

The school environment

eg: site security, fire safety, health & safety, evacuation procedures

Assessing medical procedures

eg: medical needs, first aid provision, recording of injuries

Review of external communications

eg: school website, display notices, first aid information, mobile phone use

Ensuring ongoing statutory compliance

eg: risk assessments and legal requirements & documentation

Please note:

Our focus reviews, finance, governance and headteacher’s appraisal support add-ons are designed to supplement our school improvement packages. Together they offer full flexibility, allowing us to be responsive to the specific needs of your school, while retaining our high standards of advice and expertise. Add-ons can be included as part of your existing OakBeech or Cedar support package if time allows, or purchased separately. To find out how, please contact us for more information ›

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